• Do not godmod or cause OOC drama.
• Do not cross the IC/OOC line.
• Do not plagiarize.
• Large content (pictures, walls of text) should be placed behind a cut.
• PBs must be professionals who can easily be found via Google.
• PBs must look within +/- 5 years of the character's apparent age.
• Keep adult content friends locked.
• The starting character limit is 2. If you prove you can be active with 2, we'll allow a third, then a fourth, etc. Do not take on more than you can handle. If you miss activity requirements for one, you will not be allowed to apply for another until you have brought up your activity.
• Once accepted, you have one week to post something IC or that character may be removed.
• Activity requirement is one thread and one other form of interactivity per month. You must have multiple replies for each. Too many dropped threads will earn you a warning. After that, you may be counted as inactive.
• Use community tags and run your friend button.
• The following plot devices must be mod approved: rape, kidnapping, murder, pregnancy, changing of species.
• Place triggering content behind a cut and label it.
• Include the following information in threads: who, what, when, where, rating.
• If you need a hiatus, just ask. If you need to drop, just tell us.