• Lifespan: <80 years
• Origin: Learned
• Variation: White, gray, or black casters.
• Traits: Rituals, spells, reagents, can be made into werewolves and vampires.
• Strengths: Dependent on their class of magic; can curse, bless, enchant, etc.
• Weaknesses: Certain uses of their magic can reduce their lifespan, their magic can make them a target of other species, lose their magical abilities if turned to a vampire or werewolf.
• Description: Witches spend their lives dedicated to the pursuit of magic. This must be learned, but not just any human can become a witch. They must be born with the ability to sense magic. Witches can choose only one path: white, gray, or black magic. White witches can heal, bless, purify, find objects, etc. Gray witches seek to bring balance, can remove curses or blessings, enchant objects, appease spirits, and so on. Black witches curse, hex, harm, perform sexual or sacrificial rituals, etc. Witches may choose to band together in covens, which do not have a desginated leader, for their own edification or protection. Gray witches can join covens of white or black, or form their own of gray, but white and black witches will never form a coven together.